Friday, June 1, 2012


Well I bought the bought how to tame the white elephant. so far on I'm on the second exercise. Which is to clean up one room like no one was  there. Kitchen looks pretty darn clean to me lol. Next thing I need to work on is setting my workout schedule and my bed time. I must get a routine going. I got my guitar out yesterday and started messing around again with it. It was fun. Natasha and I bought gears of war and a kentic game. We had fun playing it last night. I think that was the first time we played since we meet and hung out for the first time. I want  to back to school next semester too. The tribe will pay for it, i'm just afraid I won't pass. I should really give it a try though, I know I can find something I enjoy and will be good at. Hope that will come soon!

Oh well till next time!